Saturday, September 15, 2007

Middle Information

So I was tagged for a meme. I am flattered that someone wants to get to know me a little better :o) I will do my best to fill it out.... my middle name is kinda long....

Post these rules before you give the facts. You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.) When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post and then choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don't' forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

Here were go:

C - Caring. This one maybe too much. I am the type of the person that will always put others needs before my own. I think this is one of the things that I don't want to change about me. I enjoy seeing others happy, and if all it takes is making someone laugh, then I will do that.

R - Reasonable. It is the Aquarian in me. I am very down to earth when it comes down to it. I try to see things from all aspects before jumping off the handle and getting relaly mad about something. I like to process my thoughts and gather my feelings, and then deal with the situation. I know for the whole wedding process I tried so hard not to get too worked up over the little things. That even goes for my life now. I have a simple motto that I live by.... I just think to myself is this somehting that I am goign to be upset about months down the road. Is it even going to be a thought or still affect me down the road. No....okay then why stress myself out and get upset over the fact now. Be reasonable think about it, share my feelings on it, and be done with it. I don't find the need to pick fights where there don't need to be any. It is just too stressfull on me and those involved.

Y - Yearning. HAHAHA okay this one is kinda funny because it is so me. I always want new things. If there is a new electronic out there that looks like fun, I want it. If there is a new cell phone that I fall in love with and really want...I want it now, even though I have a perfectly fine cell phone that meets my needs. I am a very passionate person so if there is something in my mind that i want to do I will try to do to the best of my abilities. I've learned I can't always get what I want.... although eventually I do and it works! But till the day I die I am sure there will always be something that I yearn for and want.

S - Self Esteem. This is something that is a touchy topic with me. Due to some of the things I have been through in this life of mine I lack the feeling of self-worth. I tend to be a little insecure (although I don't really admit that one out loud to often, I front it well). It is something that I am working on and trying to 'fix', and I believe with time it will come. It is one thing for people to tell you your great, it is a completly different thing finally feeling that way about yourself. I'm almost there I know it.

T - Tolerant. Cam will tell you how tolerant of a person I am. In the 8 years that we have been together we have had many ups and downs. He would always be working out of town, and instead of me uprooting everytime he went to a new town or location to work I opted to stay at home, and work and try to save money. We've been together for a long time, but if you actually break it down into months that we were together in the same city we've been together for 6ish years. Regardless, we are together, happy, and newly married. Life is good.

A - Ability. I guess I am the type of person that there are many things I would like to do, but I don't. I need help getting my butt kicked into doing these things. I will try, but it takes a bit of persuading and actually getting me out there to do it. For example.....I grew up on a lake every summer, so natuarally you would think I would know how to ski, or wake board, or some sort of water sports.....nope. Years and years of asking and trying to get me out there I just wouldn't go, but I would always be envious of those who did and wish that I could do that. Then finally just a few years ago I tried wake boarding, it was fun. I loved it. I unfortunatly didn't get a chance to go this summer due to the wedding caos, but next year i would be willing to give it a try again. Another good example would be when I learned to drive standard..... for whatever reason I just never could stop and start. I would stall, so I was frusterated with it and vowed only to ever own automatic. Till one day Cam took me to a parking lot and forced me to learn. Eventually after many tries I got it. Something inside of me clicked and I understood how to drive standard. It was such an amazing thing for me to learn this. I am so happy that I now have that ability. I don't feel as trapped into only owning automatics anymore. I believe that everyone has the ability to do whatever they put their minds too, they just need little pushes every once in a while.

L - Loving. Another word to go with this one would be loyal. I am a VERY emotional and caring person. If you are my friend you are my best friend. I will do anything for a friend. Stick behind them no matter if they are wrong, right, or otherwise. I think it might have to do with my ability to be understanding and caring. I find that good friends are hard to find, so when you do, hold on to them for as long as you can becasue it sure can hurt when you lose them. Growing up and going through teenage years are really hard with this because most girls are emotional roller costers and can be very mean. So it is easy to just cut them from your life and be done with it. Down the road you think, geeze maybe I shouldn't have acted like that when I was younger and we would still be friends.... life is full of little lessons as I have learned. Learn as you go I guess. :o)

Well that is is. That is my middle name summed up for me. As for tagging others to do the people that I would tagged is Allie, but she has already done this. Her sister Christie, but she has been tagged by Allie.... So I am going to tag Nikita - she is a great friend of mine who I love very much and is going through this thing we call life as well. You can check her out over at I will also tag my cousin Amber. She use to be huge into blogging. Then her life got busy and she didn't have time to keep up with it. So lets see if she will do it.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Oh goodie! You played!! Did you happen to check out my Sept 15th post? I nominated you for a well deserved award too!!!!

Love ya Bre!!!!!