Sunday, March 4, 2007

It's Here!!!

It is in and it is gorgeous :o)

My DRESS IS HERE!!! I am so excited. I came home from work on friday afteroon kinda bummed. I went out shopping with a couple of girls from work and we went to LuLuLemon to buy some new pants. I was really excited about this. I really wanted a new pair. I don't know how, I can't really explain it, but something came over me telling me not to buy anything today. Think it over, don't be impulsive as I usully am. So I watched these two girls buy whole outfits at LuLu and I didn't buy a thing. I was a little bummed.

So here I was sitting on my couch listening to Cam and his buddy Carl exchange stories about what has been going on in their lives. Then all of assuden Cam turned to me and said, 'oh, by the way some lady called today and said your dress was in.' He then turned back to his conversation. I quickly took one look at my sister and we both got VERY excited about this news. At that point we both cleared our plans for the night and we were off to pick up this dress that we have been anticipating the arrival of. So we kinda made a night out of it. We went out to West Ed Mall, and then tried it on and 'ewwd and awwwd' the dress and then I paid for it and we went for supper to Cheesecake Cafe. It was an excellent night. One of the best Friday nights I have had in a week ;o)

I had the pleasure of trying on my dress this morning after my shower to see how my veil looked with the dress. Perfect! So now all I have to do is get it hemmed. That is it. This dress fits me as if it was made specifically for me. I need no other alterations other than the hem. I am so happy right now. I would post a picture of it, but then that would ruin the surprise.


1 comment:

Toona's Mom said...

All I can say is when the wedding comes ALL eyes will definately be upon you Breanne. It is absolutely GORGE-OR-GEOUS (as Grandma would put it)on you, I can hardly wait to see it on you when I come in May.