Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Thinking meme.....

Alrighty Christie you tagged me because you wanted to know..... here we go:

Four things that I have learned or experienced in the last four years

1. Number one would probably have to be experiencing my engagement. I am so fortunate that I have found the love of my life and after this summer will be married and starting a whole new adventure together which I am hoping includes more puppies and children. So with an engagement comes the planning of the big day. Things for me have come relatively easy so I have been able to enjoy every moment of it. I haven't had too many stresses, and again I thank my sister for that one. She was living with me for the majority of my engagement; therefore, we were able to sit down almost nightly to plan and decide on things and run ideas by each other. We somehow got way ahead of ourselves with the planning that it has made things so much easier for us now as we are getting closer to the date.

2. Deciding to go back to school and take Dental Assisting. I am so happy in my job and my career that I have taken. It is so satisfying being able to help people. I remember one case, once we finished the appointment she started crying. This lady had lost most of her teeth when she had bone cancer. We were able to give her back her full smile with implants and some crown and bridgework. She felt like she could smile again and not be judged based on her teeth. I find that people tend to be quite vain when it comes to their teeth, but why not? Teeth are the first thing that people see when you smile at them. :o) (sorry I might be a bit bias when it comes to this topic)

3. I have learned that like my mother, and my grandmother, I have a panic disorder. I was very ill for most of last summer. I didn't know what was happening to me or my body. I was so consumed with trying to figure out what was going on and why that it was occupying most of my life. Then finally my mom told me that you can't spend your time trying to figure out why it is happening, you have to accept that it is happening and learn to cope with it and live with it or it will run your whole life. So with the tremendous help of my fiancee Cam, and my sister Danielle, and others of course but these two were living with me every day with it, I somehow managed to accept it and deal with it. I am now able to feel them coming on and will be able to control them and not let them get out of control. I am so thankful for the support that I have at home to help me through my rough times. I have Cam and he is my everything and I truly believe that I would be curled up in a ball most days hiding from the world if it weren't for him and his never ending love and support.

4. Last but not least..... Zoe. I have got to say this is the biggest factor in my life that I never expected. When I talked both my mom and Cam into allowing me to get her I never realized what this little pug had in store for me. In the first few months of having her, she managed to poison herself, get stepped on, be bitten by an ant.... oh the list goes on. She has taught me the meaning of patients. I never realized how much puppies can be like having children in some ways. They require a lot of attention and training, daily face washes, exercise, they need to be fed.... oh the list is never ending. But I love my pug and all the joy she brings to me on a daily basis. She is so intuitive to how I am feeling if I have had a bad day or a great day. She knows and she knows exactly what to do to fix the problem, or just put a smile on my face. I love my pug!!

Four things that I want to try and do in the next four years

1. GO TO AUSTRALIA!!! If all goes according to plan, Cameron and myself will be headed off to Australia for the month of January. I am so excited. I don't know what else to say about that other than I'm going to Australia.

2. Buy a house. With the housing market the way it is here in Edmonton Cam and myself have decided to move back to BC. We figure if we are going into debt we should just buy where we want to end up anyways and start paying off that house. But honestly who knows where this world will lead us.

3. Have children. I have always wanted children, so maybe within the next four years I will have the joy of little ones running around our house.

4. Pull off this wedding in August. As far as I know mostly everything is in place, but the way I see it at this point is that as long as all the legal stuff is done and at the end of the day Cam and I are married that is all that matters. The rest is just a big expensive party that we are hosting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Great job!

I love these things because you get to know someone so much better than you thought you already did!!! I hope that your Australia trip works out for you both! That would be so exciting!