Friday, July 13, 2007

29 Days and Counting

I feel like I am cloud nine right about now. I haven't really been part of many weddings, other than being a guest. So, when I started planning mine I didn't really know what to expect, or to expect from others. So I have found myself just going with it and going through the motions of planning this. I like to use magazines, book, online advice just to confirm things for myself that I am not completely out to left field with planning this wedding. Actually I am lying, my sister is my source for planning the wedding. Without her I would be months behind schedule for doing things. She likes to make sure I stay on top of it and get the things done that I have to get done. She likes to give me time frames that I have to get things done. Usually I am compliant with her and make sure they are done, but I do get distracted easily. There aren't enough words in the English vocabulary to express my appreciation for my sister. My family and wedding party have also been such a huge help with the planning and organizing all as well.

I am constantly finding myself second guessing decisions that I make, and making numerous lists. I think I write a new list each day of different things that I have to do. I only have a few more weekends to go and I am confident that all will be done and all will go well. I have to make a few sacrifices along the way, like getting up early with Cam on Saturdays to drive him to work so that I can have access to the vehicle for the day. With only a few weeks before I go home for the wedding there are all those last minute tasks that need to be accomplished and because I work 8-5 everyday that conflicts with many other businesses that have the same hours. So that leaves me Saturdays. Saturdays I brew a big pot of coffee and confine myself into my wedding room and jot down all the things I have to get done, and do them till I am done. I tend to be easily distracted by different things.

The dog usually likes to bother me for walks so I often feel compelled to go out for walks (which I have been very delinquent with lately... sorry Zoe)Then I am hungry so then I have to make something to eat, and the list will go on and the distractions will keep arising. So I guess in hindsight it is for the best that I am up at 6:30 in the morning to drive Cam to work so that I have a good portion of the day to do things before stores open.

I am so excited for these last few weeks before we go home for the wedding. I plan on taking everything for what it is and enjoy every second because this time only happens once in a life time so I want to enjoy it while I have it. I can plan for Australia and the rest of our lives together after the wedding.

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