Friday, August 3, 2007

And then there was 8

Finally my last day of work before I go on holidays for a week, and what is great about these holidays is that at the end of them I get to get MARRIED!!! I am so happy and excited. I am trying to keep my cool and composure over the next 7 days but I know it is going to be hard to contain myself when there are people all around me getting me excited.

Luckily Cam also only works till 2:00pm today so that means that we will get on the road a little earlier than we had expected. Which is good, however, we won't get to Nelson till midnightish.... I am sure we will have our good friend RedBull with us to help guide us there. I am a little upset that it is so hot in Nelson right now because there have been so many fires spark up, which means smoke everywhere, and ash falling from the sky. Being with a now retired forest firefighter I don't mind the smell of smoke because to me that smells like money :o) HAHA Anyways, life is good and all will be well.

I am not sure what to expect after all is said and done. I am not anticipating too much change, but you never know. Cam and I have so many changes coming up for us that it is so exciting how everything is just falling into place. First we are getting married, then in December we will move all our stuff back to BC, then in January hop on a plane to Australia, then once we finally come back (if ever...wink....wink) we will move to Vernon to eventually purchase a home and start our little lives together and who knows maybe a family.

Anyways I am off, I need to get some stuff done before I head home.

1 comment:

Allie said...

So Mrs. McLean .... how are things going for you now that the big day has passed? Still enjoying that honeymoon and wedded bliss?