Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy 2008

Well I don't think that the move could have gone any better given the conditions. We had Charlie full right up, Cam's dads truck fully loaded up, and a u-haul trailer fully loaded. So we had quite the convoy going for us. The drive started really early for us. We got out of Edmonton about 4:30-4:45 am.....yes AM! The roads through Alberta were great. They were bare although windy. So for Cam and his dad having to drive the truck and trailer was a little tougher due to the winds. The roads in BC were usual BC winter driving. Some spots just had wisps of snow while others had a lot more snow coverage. We chose to take the BC Ferry from Crawford Bay to Balfour. We really couldn't have planned it any better. We basically drove right on to the ferry. Felt bad for Zoe, I am sure she had to go to the bathroom again, but she had to wait till we got to the other side before we could let her out. She was a true trooper through the drive. I made sure that she had a spot in the car that she could sleep and be comfortable. She has always been a great traveller. We arrived to Nelson just in time for supper. We didn't really unload anything from the move. We were all pretty bagged from the long drive.

Christmas came and Christmas went. It is always nice to have family around and visit with friends. I really love Christmas and enjoy the holidays. This year felt a little different due to the fact that there was no rush to get things organized to make a long trek back home or back to work. We are here till the middle of January before we fly out to Australia. So Cam and I are busy trying to get all the little things together before we go and have things somewhat organized for when we get back. For example: Charlie he needs to be inspected and insured in BC. We were going to wait till we got back to do it, but I realized that his registration in Alberta expires on February 28th. We get back on February 25th. Not really leaving us a whole lot of time to get things together for him before he turns into a pumpkin and we can't legally drive him. So it is the little things like that that need to be done and organized before we go. I think I might have a little bit of obsessive compulsive disorder going on.

Either way the trip is coming up so quickly. I am so excited, not ready, but very excited to go. I'm not sure how updated I am going to be able make my blog. So if I don't I will get back at it once I return from my trip.

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