Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Breanne 'procrastinator' McLean

I'm not sure why this is, but I like to procrastinate things till the very last mintue before it has to be done. I am not sure if it is because I have no conception of time, or if it is just because I am lazy. There are only 24 more days till we are on the road moving our stuff back to Nelson and I haven't packed a single thing. The same thing happened to me when we lived in Cranbrook. Cam came home from firefighting the week before the movers were coming to help me with some last minute packing, and to his surprise I hadn't packed a single thing. So, we managed to get all of our belongings packed in two nights, and have everything ready to go for the movers. We don't own a lot of stuff so it really doesn't take that long. I don't like living in a house that is empty. It just feels cold and bare so I will hold off packing for as long as I can. However, with this move I want to purge through my belongings and get rid of many of the things I have that I don't need anymore.

Even with with wedding I found myself procrastinating things till the last minute. If it weren't for my sister I don't think I would have been able to pull it off. I think maybe I think of myself as super woman and I can whip off anything and do anything is a short amount of time. I guess I just don't think about how long certain things will take me to accomplish. I suppose the worst thing about being a procrastinator is that I cause myself a lot more stress than is needed for any situation. Even with that baby blanket that I did for my friends I think I finished it about two weeks before we were leaving to visit them. The end product was beautiful, but I caused myself a lot of stress trying to finish it in time to give it to them. Oh the life I lead for myself.

So I guess that brings me to my epiphany on this topic..... I need to be more assertive and more of a go getter and just do the things I need to do as they arise. I am a planner by nature so it just doesn't make any sense that I procrastinate things. We will see how this goes. I think that the move will all work out just fine even if I wait till the last week to pack, life always has a way of working itself out.

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