Tuesday, November 6, 2007

First Snow of the Year

Sunday morning I woke up rather early due to the time change. So I was out of bed making my coffee at about 8:00 am.....on a Sunday I know pathetic. Meanwhile the pug and Cam slept upstairs. I don't have many complaints with it though. Only because if Cam and the dog are both upstairs sleeping that gives me my time to do what I need to get done and things I want to do. Usually when they are up I have to entertain both of them. Whether it be taking the dog out, giving her a treat, feeding her, or playing with her.... to giving Cam things to do, or entertain him in one way shape or form. Usually there is football on so I can put that on and he is happier than a pig in mud. So, I really do enjoy the few hours of the weekend mornings that I get time to myself. This Sunday morning I woke up to snow. There was a good blanket of snow on the ground! Usually this would upset me and make me want to curl back up into bed and hide from the fact that winter is approaching us. Not today, I embraced the fact that there was this white snow on the ground and the sun was shinning brightly through the windows. It made me really happy. All day Sunday I was thinking about how great the holiday season is and how much I enjoy going home to the Kootenays. Generally I don't like snow because I don't like winter driving. It scares the crap out of me. But today I didn't really have to go anywhere or do anything.
Then Cam got up and decided that we had to be productive humans today and actually do something other than sitting on the couch. We only had till 2:00pm because that is when kick-off was for the Indy/Dallas game. So we went and did our running around the city, we went to Rona (to fix the door I kicked in, I guess I did more damage than I had thought), Save-On-Food, and London Drugs (so I can finally finish the thank you cards I have been procrastinating, although I did just get the professional pictures). It felt a lot like Christmas out there while we were out. The decorations are coming out, the trees are put up in the stores to be sold.... all this kind of stuff excites me more than Cam would like. He isn't a big fan of Christmas, but I am working on that. AHHHH I love the holiday season. All the baking, and the holiday cheer.
The pug loves the snow. She loves to go out and eat it, and run around in it. It wasn't quite deep enough for her to really enjoy it, but I am sure more is coming soon. So pull out your mitts, scarfs, and toques people the snow is a comin'!

1 comment:

Allie said...

See? Having a hubby and a dog gives you a tremendous insight of what having kids is like! :P