Friday, October 19, 2007

The Forever Debatalbe Topic

I don't know why but I think for as long as humans exist on this planet there will always be the debate as to why girls are different from boys. The other night Cam and myself were out walking Zoe around the block so that she would do her business before bed. We have been rather busy the last week and a half and she has been couped up in the house with no one really around for her. So, we decided on taking her for at least a little walk. Anyways, as we were walking we got to discussing about me :o) hahaha.... I was saying about how I am unable to shut my brain off. I am constantly thinking about my day, things I need to do, things I've done.... everything. I can't just not think. Cam was saying how he can sit down and turn his mind off no problem and not think about his day or things that has to be done. Not think about anything? I asked. I find this hard to believe because the human mind has to be thinking about something at any given point. He assures me that he is pretty mindless when he is sitting down and watching tv, or in bed going to sleep. He isn't thinking about his day, he isn't thinking about things he needs to do. I guess that is where I come in, I have to remind his ass of things he has to do. So I guess what I am wondering is.... can all men just shut their brains off? Can other woman shut their brains off and think of sweet nothings? Am I the crazy one? hahaha don't answer.....
I find that because I am unable to really 'turn' my brain off I'm constantly thinking and it affects me more than I realize. The constant racing thoughts are a symptom of my panic disorder. Just if I am in one of my attacks the thoughts are fed through a lot quicker pace. I believe that this blog site for me has been a really good vice for me to be able to voice my opinions and share my thoughts and just put them out there. Who's reading my blog that would care? Well I am sure there are friends and family members that read it every once in a while that care for me and care about what I have to say..... oh dear..... I am letting my mind wonder. ON that note I am going to end this here.
But if anyone out there in blog world has any input to tricks or ideas on how to shut their brains off I am all ears....boys and girls..... I am interested to test my theory if woman can possess the power to shut off their brains and if there are any boys out there that can't shut off their brains, or if I am just making assumptions based off of Cam and me?

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